Repair Pricer Report

After a home inspection, finding the different contractors to provide each cost estimate is a hassle.

We can help reduce stress and save time. Using our home inspection report Repair Pricer will send you a customized report for repair estimates. The price for the standard service is $80.00.

The Repair Pricer Report shows:
1) individual item repair estimates
2) whole home repair estimate for the total project
3) other potential costs to consider as you move forward.

The Repair Estimate Report is a good faith estimate of what a repair should cost based upon deficiencies identified in the home inspection report. Additional repairs may be needed for hidden issues which were not visible at the time of the home inspection.

Next… you receive the Repair Pricer Report and can see what needs to be repaired. You also see the estimate of how much it should cost.

Who will perform the work? We can also help you with that. We offer free referrals to background checked, verified, and qualified licensed repair professionals to do the work.

Order now. Order later.
Let our inspection scheduler know you want the Repair Pricer estimate report. Click here to schedule online, or call us at (916) 333-0540.

Not sure? You can use this form later to upload your home inspection report and still get your Repair Pricer report.

Please Note:
Clients should always be informed that no home inspector is approved to make holes in walls, remove outlet coverings, or to alter any system of the house. We inspect what can normally be seen without disturbing, destroying, or dismantling anything. The real estate inspection performed for clients is a survey and basic operation of the systems and components of a building, which can be reached, entered, or viewed without difficulty, moving obstructions, or requiring any action, which may result in damage to the property or personal injury to the Inspector. The purpose of the inspection is to provide the Client with information regarding the general condition of the building(s).

For a full list of systems to be inspected, exceptions, and definitions please review our Standards of Practice (SOP) documentation.